Clervaux, la Cité de l’Image

Beyond its picturesque landscapes and historic monuments, Clervaux is distinguished by a unique initiative: La Cité de l’Image. This open-air photographic exhibition transforms the town into an open-air art gallery, offering visitors an enriching and immersive cultural experience.

La Cité de l’Image is a must for all visitors to Clervaux. Whether you’re a photography enthusiast or simply in search of new cultural discoveries, this open-air exhibition promises a unique and memorable experience.

An open-air gallery

La Cité de l’Image is a permanent exhibition spread throughout the center of Clervaux. It showcases world-renowned photographic works as well as emerging talents, harmoniously integrated into the urban landscape. The photographs are installed in public spaces, on building facades and along picturesque lanes, allowing a free and spontaneous discovery of contemporary art.